PUK Spokesperson: We Strongly Oppose Further Elections Delay

P.U.K 02:23 PM - 2024-06-28

PUK Spokesman

PUK Elections

Saadi Ahmed Pire, the spokesman for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), discussed the party's stance towards the parliamentary elections in Kurdistan and said: "We were fully prepared for the elections from the very start. We are prepared for elections at any time, and we strongly oppose any scenario of further delaying the elections."

The PUK was and is still prepared for the elections

Pire stated during a press conference: "The PUK wanted the conduct of elections since the very beginning, and we are now fully prepared in all aspects."

"The parties have not been consulted over the election date, and we strongly oppose any scenarios of further postponement, and there are no obstacles to holding the election," he added.

The PUK did not want quota seats to be canceled

Pire further said: "Upon the PUK's request, the electoral districts were divided into four constituencies. The PUK wished for the elections to take place on June 10. We are concerned about the repeated rescheduling of the elections."
He continued: "The PUK has consistently opposed the cancellation of the quota seats and has persistently worked towards the return of the five quota seats, and we achieved success in this endeavour."


This election will be fair

Pire also stated that "this election will not be tainted by fraud, votes will not be manipulated, and refugees will not be allowed to cast fraudulent ballots." The deceased and non-Iraqi citizens will also be removed from the voter registration."



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