PUK President: We Condemn Any Move that Harms Judiciary & its President

P.U.K 08:33 PM - 2024-06-30
 PUK President Bafel Jalal Talabani and Judge Faiq Zidan. PUK President's Media

PUK President Bafel Jalal Talabani and Judge Faiq Zidan.

PUK President Bafel Iraq

Bafel Jalal Talabani, the President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), expressed disapproval and condemnation of any move that harms the Iraqi judiciary and its president, emphasising that such actions are unacceptable and denounced.

President Bafel's message said:

The Iraqi Judiciary is a sovereign, independent, and esteemed institution that commands the respect of all Iraqi citizens.

Any move that harms this establishment and its president, Judge Faiq Zidan, is unequivocally denounced and condemned, regardless of the political affiliation, organisation, or individual responsible for daring to undertake such an action.

We strongly emphasise our unwavering support, unwavering dedication, and utmost respect for the institution and its esteemed president.

Bafel Jalal Talabani
President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan


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