Qubad Talabani: There is no honor in killing women

Kurdistan 11:06 PM - 2022-05-02

Qubad Talabani, Deputy Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, issued a statement condemning the distressing incident of Chamchamal. 

In his message, the Deputy Prime minister said: 

"We are used to begging our day by congratulating and visiting each other on the morning of Eid. Unfortunately, today we opened our eyes to hearing the news of a tragic crime. Once again, a man found it normal to kill a woman.

Thanks to God, to the concern of the people of Kurdistan, and to the media who shook our consciences. Thanks to the security forces who came to the rescue and arrested the criminal before escaping, or being helped to escape.

This is enough, until when? Until when will we hear about killing another woman every week in the name of the social issue? Or in the name of honor? For God's sake, what honor is there in murdering women? There is no honor in murdering women.

I want to say a word from my heart to the murderers of women. I promise that as long as I am in this position and wherever I have authority, I will not allow you to escape from the law. You must be punished, and you will be arrested wherever you are. Take this from me: I promise I won't let you sleep calmly. We will treat you like an ISIS terrorist.

We will show you no mercy just as how you were merciless towards the woman you killed because I am sure that people will be with us, and would like us to punish you with the harshest punishment. I am sure that the media will be merciless toward you. Because whoever kills a woman does not deserve mercy, nor do they deserve forgiveness.

We must all shame the ideology of killing women. It is time for us to eliminate the ideology of killing women in our community from the root. For this, we need pressure from the people of Kurdistan, the eyes and sharp pens of writers, critics, and journalists. The influential preaches of our preachers need to remind us that killing women is forbidden as any other killing.

Hoping to never see a day like today ever again!

Greetings to the pure souls of the women whose only crime was being women."

Read more about the Chamchamal incident here.


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 PUK President Bafel Jalal Talabani.

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