Parliamentary Transport Committee: ICAA Runs Sulaymaniyah Airport

Kurdistan 11:24 AM - 2024-07-04
Members of Transport and Communications Committee during a news conference PUKMEDIA

Members of Transport and Communications Committee during a news conference

Sulaymaniyah Türkiye Iraqi parliament

On Tuesday, July 2, 2024, the Iraqi parliament's Transport and Communications Committee, led by Chairwoman Zahra al-Bajari, visited Sulaymaniyah International Airport, met with Handren Hiwa, the Director General of the Airport, and received a detailed explanation of the airport's operational procedures during a tour of the facility. 

Sulaymaniyah International Airport is a federal entity

Al-Bajari stated during a news conference: "Sulaymaniyah International Airport holds the second highest licencing status among airports in Iraq. The airport is classified as a civil airport, works under the authority of the Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority (ICAA), and is considered one of the federal institutions."
She further said: "Upon our arrival in Baghdad, we will convene meetings with the Civil Aviation Authority, the Security and Defence Committee, and the Foreign Relations Committee to initiate dialogue with the Turkish authorities regarding the airport ban."

"Our objective is to establish a unified and clear stance on this matter. It is important to note that the airport in question is a federal institution situated within one of the Iraqi governorates," she added. "The committee firmly condemns any assault on Iraqi institutions, regardless of where it occurs, and the Iraqi parliament will adopt a transparent and frank stance on this matter."

Sulaymaniyah International Airport has no security issues

The airport Director, Hendren Hiwa, provided information on the significant material damage incurred by Sulaymaniyah International Airport due to the Turkish flight ban. He stated that flights to Türkiye account for 35% of the airport's air traffic. The estimated cost of the damage to the airport over the past 14 months is approximately 10 million dollars, excluding any damage to customs and fees.
"We are devoid of any security or military issues, and we have consistently demonstrated our preparedness for any essential procedures or investigations. The evidence for this claim lies in the ongoing operation of flights from Sulaymaniyah Airport to many foreign destinations, as well as the presence of prominent international companies conducting business in Sulaymaniyah," he added.

The closure of Turkish airspace to Sulaymaniyah International Airport is politically motivated

Karwan Yarwais, a member of the Transport and Communications Committee, stated to PUKMEDIA that the closure of Turkish airspace to Sulaymaniyah International Airport is politically motivated. He further mentioned that practical measures will be taken regarding this matter once the Iraqi parliament sessions resume.
"Punishing the citizens of Sulaymaniyah Governorate for political motives is unacceptable, and it is the responsibility of the relevant authorities in the Region and Baghdad to address this issue," Yarwais stated.


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