DPM Talabani: International Coalition Admires CTG's Terrorism Fighting Efforts

Kurdistan 08:17 PM - 2024-05-23
Wahab Halabjay looks on while Qubad Talabani speaks in CTG directorate. Deputy Prime Minister's media office

Wahab Halabjay looks on while Qubad Talabani speaks in CTG directorate.

CTG Qubad Talabani

Qubad Talabani, the Kurdistan Region's Deputy Prime Minister, visited the leadership of Kurdistan's Counter-Terrorism Group (CTG) on Thursday. Wahab Halabjay, the CTG's General Director, welcomed him warmly.

Qubad Talabani expressed gratitude to the officers, commanders, and members of the CTG for their endeavours and sacrifices in upholding security and stability in Kurdistan, on behalf of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). 

The public may not be as aware of the CTG's activities, bravery, and committed actions as would be expected due to the nature of their operations. However, President Bafel of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and I, as well as the coalition forces, are aware of the specifics of the operations, and we acknowledge that fighting terrorism is a challenging task that has a role in maintaining security, not only in Kurdistan but also in Iraq and the region as a whole.

The Deputy Prime Minister emphasised the importance of ongoing training and self-improvement in another section of his speech, urging them to resist allowing psychological warfare and the assertions of prejudiced individuals to weaken this force's will. 

Qubad Talabani also said: "Since our region is insecure and unstable, the security forces in Kurdistan, particularly those fighting terrorism, must adjust to new threats. However, the CTG forces have consistently shown that they are an awake and experienced force that can adapt to a variety of situations, threats, and dangers."

"The coalition forces and our allies are highly impressed by the skills of the CTG forces, and they have a strong inclination to engage in collaborative operations with them. This is a significant source of pride and honour for the CTG," he added.

Following his special commendation of Wahab Halabjay and CTG in general, Talabani reaffirmed his unwavering support for them, urging them to carry out their duties in combating terrorism and other threats as effectively as possible and to improve coordination with coalition forces and other security entities in Kurdistan and Iraq. 


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