Over 6 centuries-old Quran preserved in a village in Slemani

Variety 12:18 PM - 2022-02-26

The Kurdistan Region of Iraq has many stories, tales, and legends, thanks to its civilizational history, which is rich in wisdom and humanitarian stances.

In one of the remote villages of Slemani Governorate, there is a well-preserved Quran from over 6 centuries ago. Binas village is one of the remote villages located on the Iraqi-Iranian border.

The old Qur'an was handwritten on papers that defy time. The people of Binas refuse to let the Qur'an out of their village and transfer it from one another when the keeper moves out of the village.

Khader Abdullah, a resident of the village, who is currently keeping the Qur'an at his house, told PUKmedia, "The Qur'an was transferred to me after the one who kept it before me traveled, and that is how the people of my village kept the Qur'an."

"It is a great treasure and a valuable religious and archaeological piece for us," he said.

"I believe that the age of the Qur'an dates back to more than 6 centuries ago, which makes it important from a religious point of view," he added.

Many tales and stories are surrounding the book, but according to Abdullah, "the most accurate one is that the Qur'an was considered a sacred thing, and many people admitted their sins when they swore by this Qur'an."

Reported by Adnan Jaff

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