Independent Turkmen Candidate Summoned by Erbil Asayish

Kurdistan 11:24 PM - 2024-06-15
 Abdulbasit Khalid, the chairman of the Turkmen Political Council in Erbil. PUKMEDIA

Abdulbasit Khalid, the chairman of the Turkmen Political Council in Erbil.

Kurdistan Kurdistan Parliament Erbil Asayish Turkmen

The Asayish (Security) of Erbil summoned an independent Turkmen candidate, and the candidate expresses the anticipation of being apprehended on multiple grounds, with the intention of disqualifying him from participating in the election.

Abdulbasit Khalid, an independent Turkmen candidate running for the Kurdistan parliamentary elections in Erbil, stated to PUKMEDIA that he has received a notification from the Erbil Asayish forces to meet with them for certain objectives. He believes that this summons is related to his candidature as an independent Turkmen candidate in Erbil, although they are summoning him for unspecified reasons.

"I have previously expressed my support for Turkmen candidates in the Kurdistan Parliament and urged minority communities to elect their genuine representatives. Currently, I am running for the elections as a genuine representative of the Turkmen in Erbil. I believe that I have been summoned by the Asayish due to my positions," he added.

"I harbour suspicions regarding the reasons behind my summons by the Erbil Asayish. I anticipate that they will apprehend and penalise me on various grounds in order to eliminate me from my candidature," he stated.

Abdulbasit Khalid, the chairman of the Turkmen Political Council in Erbil, previously voiced his discontent with the minority community representatives in the Kurdistan Parliament. In a statement to PUKMEDIA, he said that those who are seeking a seat based on the Turkmen quota do not truly represent the Turkmen community, but rather are driven by their own personal and party agendas.

He urged minority communities, especially the Turkmen, to vote for their genuine representatives in parliament and not let themselves to be manipulated by any political party.


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