President Bafel: We shall put our differences aside and work together

P.U.K 09:23 AM - 2023-03-22
 President Bafel Jalal Talabani PUKMEDIA

President Bafel Jalal Talabani

President Bafel North Kurdistan Kurdistan

While Newroz was being celebrated in Amed, North Kurdistan, Bafel Jalal Talabani, the President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, sent a message of congratulations and said: "With everyone's cooperation, we will put pressure on the parties to put the interests of our nation above their personal interests."

In his statement, President Bafel wrote: "Dear Brothers and Sisters, Happy Newroz. For all Kurds, I hope this year will be one of unity. We shall put our differences aside and work together to advance the needs of our people."

He continued, "We request that the surrounding nations free our politicians and permit their lawyers and doctors to visit them." "Our thoughts go out to all the families who lost loved ones in the earthquake," he added.

"With everyone's cooperation, we will put pressure on the parties to put the interests of our nation above their personal interests," he said. "We reiterate our congratulations and say with one voice either Kurdistan or disappearance."


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