Western literature impact discussed by Sherzad Hassan at symposium in Sulaymaniyah

Art and Literature 09:32 AM - 2021-06-22


On Monday, the Kurdish Writers Union - Sulaymaniyah branch held a symposium for the renowned Kurdish writer and intellectual, Sherzad Hassan, under the title (In praise of literature, literature as the help for everyone.).


The symposium was held in the Kurdish Writers Union Hall in the city of Sulaymaniyah.


The writer Sherzad Hassan spoke about intellectuals and literature of the West in general, their impacts, and the service that literature has provided throughout history on the level of humanity.


During the symposium, the unveiling of a small statue of the 11th-century dervish poet from Hamadan in Iranian Kurdistan, Baba Taher Hamdani, which was donated by the Lur Group to the Kurdish Writers Union, was unveiled.


Sherzad Hassan is a well-known Kurdish intellectual, writer, poet, and translator. He was born in 1951 or 1952 in Erbil. He has always been active in defending the rights of children, women, education, and environmental protection.




Reported by Vinos Tofiq


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