Sulaymaniyah: an exhibition to show Anfal massacre

Genocide‌‌ 07:18 PM - 2021-04-07


Kurdistan Region-Wednesday, A photographic exhibition opened on the Anfal massacre, which claimed the lives of thousands of Kurds, for a group of final-stage students at the International Diplomacy Department at the University of Human Development at the National Museum in Sulaymaniyah.


Student Nofi Majid Salih told PUKmedia, "We as students of the University of Human Development, Department of International Diplomacy chose to subject of our study thesis on the events of the Anfal, and its importance in reflecting the image of the disaster that occurred on the Kurdish people", which claimed the lives of thousands of innocent people.


He added that the exhibition included a display of a group of photographs embodying the Anfal tragedy, indicating that a documentary film about the Anfal will be shown and a discussion of the events that occurred in that disaster.




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