Halabja: Genocide anniversary preparation continues

Genocide‌‌ 06:25 PM - 2021-03-09


The High Committee to commemorate the 33rd anniversary of the Genocide of Halabja held a meeting under the supervision of Azad Tawfiq, Governor of Halabja, and in the presence of the Mayor of Halabja, the general directors, and security leaders.


Azad Tawfiq, Governor of Halabja, said in a special statement to PUKmedia, on Tuesday, that The High Committee discussed preparations for this commemoration, stressing the need to adhere to preventive and sanitary measures against the outbreak of Coronavirus during the ceremony.


Tawfiq added: Preparations are continuing to recall the internationally prohibited chemical bombardment by the extermination regime of Halabja, pointing out that the ceremony will start from the Sirwan side towards the Halabja crossing.




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