PUK MP: We will not stop proceeding the legislation of Yazidis Genocide law

Genocide‌‌ 01:50 PM - 2021-01-23


The Iraqi Parliamentary Legal Committee confirmed on Saturday the process of legislating a law on the genocide of the Yezidis will be proceeded.


Committee member and PUK bloc MP Almas Fadhil said in a special statement to PUKmedia that there are proposals from some civil society organizations, members of the Iraqi Council of Representatives and some political blocs with regard to the law, explaining that the parliament ended the first reading of the law last November .


MP Fadhil stressed that the committee is with proceeding with the approval of the law in order to redress the Yazidis after the genocide they were subjected to.


MP Fadhil indicated that there is no specific period for approving the law, but now the discussion of the budget bill has put pressure on the passage of approval of all other laws, and this is what led to the delay in its approval, stressing, "We are continuing to approve this law and we will not stop."


In August 2014 ISIS terrorist occupied the northern Iraqi town of Shingal (Sinjar), main land of the Yazidis, committing mass massacres and the most heinous crimes against them. Men and boys were brutally slaughtered, while women and girls enslaved and raped—all because they believe in something different. 


According to the United Nations, ISIS had massacred 5,000 Yazidi men and kidnapped about 7000 Yazidi women and girls (who were forced into slavery) in northern Iraq.




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